Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA) was established by the State Government of Victoria in 1997 to manage land and water resources in the south west region of Victoria, Australia. It builds partnerships with residents, landholders, community groups, businesses, Traditional Owners and all levels of Government and other associations to improve the health and sustainability of the region’s waterways.

To bring together and activate such a diverse group of audiences, often presenting with competing interests, the GHCMA had already been working on developing a successful, engaging social media presence. The team there wanted to establish the strong foundations of brand articulation, audience profiles and targeted messaging to extend and grow this success across all their communications.

Through thoughtful, open and broad consultation we were able to help the GHCMA marketing team set the strategic platform that would guide them in the right direction as an organisation that was increasing its public-facing engagement. We then used this as the springboard for a much more targeted, focused and hard-working key messaging approach and activity plan to make it easier for their small but mighty team to execute.

Pristine wetlands stretch before two birdwatchers with binoculars
Client testimonial from GHCMA's Communications and Engagement Advisor expressing Cúpla's ability to hone in on organisational needs within a complex landscape to deliver a practical and streamlined strategy
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Desktop research and audit of existing strategies, messaging and content.

Peer and best practice review to learn how others manage similar challenges.

Community and partners stakeholder session.

1:1 interviews with key staff and stakeholders.

Catchment community survey to explore relevance and resonance of brand and key messages.

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Synthesising findings to facilitate discussion on themes, opportunities, brand foundation inputs + a three-hour insights session held with a large group of GHCMA team members for all areas and departments.

Vision, mission, values, personality and audience profiling activities to align on the articulation approach for the brand and messaging foundations.

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GHCMA brand framework with a much clearer and more elevated purpose for the organisation, and character that the brand should express.

A set of behavioural and needstate-based audience profiles, that better reflected what people wanted from GHCMA and GHCMA wanted from them, and gave the brand more opportunities to tap into more of their community.

An actionable audience-focused communications and messaging strategy, including 12-month action plans for all audiences.




Victoria's High Country Campaign