Very Special Kids Strategy

Very Special Kids is an organisation that provides a range of holistic integrated palliative care services for children and young people with life-limiting conditions, and tailored support for their families.

As an expanding Victorian leader in children's palliative care, Very Special Kids were faced with the challenge of communicating a sensitive and challenging purpose – finding and sustaining hope in life, sickness, death and bereavement – empathetically and succinctly to people with unique needs, experiences and connections to childhood illness.

We worked closely with the Very Special Kids team on the core brand strategy, communications and visual identity (check out our work on it here), so that the people who need Very Special Kids feel connected and supported, and the wider community can better understand why their approach is so needed and impactful.

We then created audience-centric brand messaging that clearly and compassionately communicates to people going through the most challenging of times, as well as to those supporting them.

At Very Special Kids we believe that all children have the right to quality of life, no matter how long or short their life may be
Mother with her kindergarten aged daughter and infant share a cuddle
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Desktop research and audit of existing strategy, messaging and content.

Peer and best practice review to learn how others manage similar challenges.

Group stakeholder sessions with the Very Special Kids’ team and Board.

1:1 interviews with families and Very Special Kids executive team.

Very Special Kids Community survey to explore relevance and resonance of brand messages.

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Synthesising findings to facilitate discussion on themes, opportunities, and tensions for the Very Special Kids brand.

Audience profiling and messaging activities to align on and articulate the important who, what, how and why for Very Special Kids.

Feedback sessions to further explore and refine recommendations.

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Refined brand framework with a renewed child and family focus that connects to the heart of why Very Special Kids exists.

A unifying brand story that compassionately and straightforwardly expresses how Very Special Kids’ expertise and approach helps children and families feel support, relief, and experience positive memories together.

Brand positioning strategy to eloquently express and guide Very Special Kids’ point of difference.

Digestible and relatable audience profiles organised by needs and experiences.

Actionable audience-focused communications and messaging plan.


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