Our work
Kids Under Cover – Target 450
How can we secure government funding using a public advocacy campaign?
Women’s Health Victoria
How do we create a dynamic and inclusive visual identity to help progress gender equity in health?
Kids Under Cover
With strong, familiar brand identifiers, how do we extend the brand without compromising equity?
Western Port Biosphere
How do we represent a UNESCO Biosphere covering 2,142km2 of varied habitats, communities and industries?
Drummond Street Services
How can we deliver real and representative diversity in a community wellbeing brand?
Very Special Kids
When designing on behalf of a brand that exists to support families through childhood illness, death and grief, how do you balance warmth, positivity and gravitas in the visual identity?
OC Connections
How can a growing disability support service tell its story in a distinctive, meaningful and reassuring way?
Tomorrow Today
How can we make the most of simple brand assets and homegrown photography to tell the story that smaller not-for-profits deserve?
Very Special Kids Strategy
How can we encourage people to engage with the realities and needs of children with life-limiting conditions?
Drummond Street Services Strategy
How can we unite a community organisation that’s for, and by, people with very diverse needs and experiences?