Community Power Agency

Community Power Agency (CPA) is an organisation that builds and shares knowledge to drive fair, accessible and smooth renewable energy transitions with community benefit at their core. We worked with CPA to deliver their new brand story and a visual identity refresh, balancing community-centric warmth with dynamic innovation and expertise.

The logo features a circular symbol composed of tapered lines and dots, representing dynamic energy and progress. These elements come together to form a cohesive and dynamic whole, symbolic of collaboration between communities, industry and government. These lines and dots also create a graphic language for communicating stats and scientific information in an engaging way. The colour palette combines rich natural tones, evoking Australia’s natural resources and landscape, with bright violet to represent energy and innovation. Tonally-aligned photography brings the story of community-centric transition to life, ensuring people are featured in every image.

The new identity and brand story communicates CPA’s focus on placing community benefit at the heart of Australia’s renewable energy transition, preparing the organisation for their future of leadership and action.

A logo for Community Power Agency featuring a circular symbol to demonstrate dynamic energy and progress
Three people on a solar farm, holding a paper sun with the words 'We believe in people-powered clean energy transitions' over the image.
A comparison of the old vs new Community Power Agency logo.
The words 'Sun, Wind, Water' in the background with symbols representing each of these elements over the words. The colour palette is shown to the right.
The words 'Regional communities want solutions, not politics'  over the top of an image of a wind energy farm near a coastal community.
Examples of the Community Power Agency  infographic style alongside social media post examples that show facts, polls and statistics.
An example of a carousel social media posts that shares the key points answering the questions 'What does a 'fair' renewable energy transition look like?'
The new Community Power Agency website.
Examples of publication design and PowerPoint templates for Community Power Agency.
A testimonial from Eleanor Buckley at CPA on the brand work that Cúpla developed and the experience of working with the Cúpla team.

Scotch College


Stint Community