Scotch College

Scotch College Melbourne is a leading independent day and boarding school for boys. The College undertook a process to set its strategic focus and direction in the lead up to its 175th anniversary, which highlighted the need for a refreshed visual identity and story to bring that focus and direction to life for its community.

Informed by that community, we expressed a brand narrative aligned to the strong values of the Scotch Family, and the College’s dedication to forming men of good character. Inspired by the official Scotch tartan, we crafted a suite of graphic patterns to visualise the connection, progress and contribution of Scotch men and their support networks. This was paired with an expanded colour palette for improved accessibility, as well as a photographic style emphasising service and positive impact on multiple levels.

Launched via a new website written by Cúpla and developed by the talented team at Humaan, as well as a new, Cúpla-designed Strategic Plan and Prospectus, the refreshed Scotch College identity flexes from serious, professional communications to joyful, energetic celebrations of student achievements.

The Scotch College logo alongside the words 'Your son, his community, one Scotch Family', with an image of a Scotch College boy in a football jersey beside it.
Scotch College logo and the brand colour palette.
An image of a Scotch student with the words 'Dedicated to forming men of good character' underneath. A collage of imagery also shows the College's image style.
The words 'A visual language that distils the ongoing strength of the Scotch College legacy - its heritage, passionate community and inspiring values.' The image also shows the official Scotch College tartan pattern and its other threaded patterns.
An image of a laptop computer screen showing the Scotch College website homepage with the words 'Enlightening boys to shape a better future'.
Images of Scotch College website page designs.
An image of the Scotch College crest with annotations that explain the meaning of each part. To the right there's a publication example cover design for a 'Scotch Heritage' led communication.
Image shows the Scotch College Prospectus publication design.
Image shows a social media tile promoting Scotch College boarding school. Alongside this is an image of a Scotch student with paint brushes in a jar beside him, and a quote from the founder of the College, Reverend James Forbes.
The left side of the image shows the an OSCA email newsletter design, the right shows a navy blue cover design for the Scotch College Foundation: Year in Review.
Left side of image shows the cover design for the Scotch Strategic Plan 2025. The right side has an image of  a group of students walking outside on the Scotch campus.
Image shows a Scotch College PowerPoint presentation template design.

Community Power Agency